cambridge contemporary art

this ancient land.jpg
This Ancient Land ed1 by Melvyn Evans
This Ancient Land ed1 by Melvyn Evans
the greenland man's song.jpg
The Greenlandman's Song ed1 by Melvyn Evans
The Greenlandman's Song ed1 by Melvyn Evans
the Rite of spring.jpg
The Rite of Spring ed1 by Melvyn Evans
The Rite of Spring ed1 by Melvyn Evans
boat form ochre.jpg
Boat Form Ochre by Melvyn Evans
from £220.00
Boat Form Ochre by Melvyn Evans
from £220.00
Tidelines ed3 by Melvyn Evans
Tidelines ed3 by Melvyn Evans
old stones.jpg
The Old Stones ed6 by Melvyn Evans
The Old Stones ed6 by Melvyn Evans
The Old Stone Church ed4 by Melvyn Evans
The Old Stone Church ed4 by Melvyn Evans
Boatsheds and Cottages ed9 by Melvyn Evans
Boatsheds and Cottages ed9 by Melvyn Evans
morning on the quay.jpg
Morning on the Quay ed47 by Melvyn Evans
Morning on the Quay ed47 by Melvyn Evans
boat and figure.jpg
Boat and Figure by Melvyn Evans
Boat and Figure by Melvyn Evans
The evolution of landscape copy.jpg gallery feb 22_31.jpg
The Evolution of Landscape ed5 by Melvyn Evans
The Evolution of Landscape ed5 by Melvyn Evans
passing+the+stack+rock.jpg gallery feb 22_22.jpg
Passing the Stack Rock by Melvyn Evans
from £250.00
Passing the Stack Rock by Melvyn Evans
from £250.00
eclipse and form.jpg gallery feb 22_31.jpg
Eclipse and Forms by Melvyn Evans
from £220.00
Eclipse and Forms by Melvyn Evans
from £220.00
evolution of landscape II.jpg
The Evolution of Landscape II by Melvyn Evans
The Evolution of Landscape II by Melvyn Evans
Seamist by Melvyn Evans
Seamist by Melvyn Evans